Archive for February, 2014

American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists

They sound a lot more reasonable than they actually are, considering that it is a group made up of doctors. This is an anti-abortion extremist organization that, at least based on their web site, seems to oppose most forms of contraception as well. Their site still includes the debunked link between breast cancer and abortions, they still promote the firmly debunked idea that emergency contraception is a form of abortion, and they believe that life begins at fertilization despite the generally held scientific view that it does not begin until implantation. They wrote a brief in the Hobby Lobby case making the false claim before the Supreme Court that emergency contraception is abortion, despite a wealth of scientific evidence that shows otherwise. A member of their board of directors, Doctor Byron Calhoun, was recently caught up in controversy for lying to the West Virginia Attorney General about the frequency of abortion complications experienced at the hospital where he works. He claimed weekly problems, when an examination of the records of the hospital revealed just 3 incidents in an entire year.

Sex Science Skeptic
is sponsored by the Center for Sexual Expression and Education.